Last week I attended my first March for Life pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to mark the 40th Anniversary of the passage of Roe vs. Wade. What an experience to pray with 10,000 on Thursday evening at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and then join more than 500,000 pro-life warriors marching up Constitution Ave. to the Supreme Court on Friday! How moving it was to hear the personal stories from women who regret abortion, and from those who survived abortion or were conceived in rape and adopted. What a feeling of hope to see the numbers of young people, under the age of 25, enthusiastically participating in the rallies and the march! It was quite an inspiration. (Photos will be available on the vigil for life website within the next week.)
I have a personal experience from this trip to tell you and ask for your prayers for this mother. Thursday night after returning from the Opening Vigil Mass at the Basilica, we went to a bar/grill for a burger before retiring for the night. Since all tables were taken, we sat at the bar. The bartender saw the Pro-Life button on my coat and immediately told me she was pregnant. After I congratulated her, she went on to tell me she had thought about having an abortion after hearing this news but couldn't go through with it. She said that, even though she was on birth control, she became pregnant. Her doctor told her she was having a "miracle baby" because this shouldn't have happened. With two other kids at home, going through a divorce, and trying to go back to school, she contemplated abortion but couldn't take that final step. I told her she will never regret making the decision to let her baby live, that there are so many who have made the opposite choice and, if given a second chance, would choose as she has. I said we would pray for her and told her there is help available for her if she needs it. Had I not worn my Pro-Life button, this woman would not have opened up to me. She wouldn't have known who I was or why I was in Washington. You never know when or how God might use you but I think He put me there that night with that button on my coat to give her hope and affirm to her that she is making the right choice. Please keep her in your prayers.
Photos - Roe vs. Wade Event
Last week I promised I would have photos available from our Madison Roe vs. Wade Event on Jan. 12, 2013. Here is the link to these photos; this link will also be posted on the vigil for life website.
(To open the above link, highlight the link, right click, and select open link.)
Thank you, Joe Ptak, for the great work!
Calendar Hours
A special thank you to the vigil captains and all of you prayer warriors for filling the vigil hours week after week! This is exactly how we will accomplish our goal of ending the destruction of innocent human life - one vigil hour at a time, one week at a time. You're awesome!
We're almost into February and many hours are open so please go to to sign up or contact Bette Weisshaar at 608-358-5963.
Announcement: Mark Your Calendar!
Join Us for Our Day at the Capitol in Madison
Thursday, March 7, 2013 at the Monona Terrace in Madison
8-9 a.m. Check-in
9 a.m. Sit-down breakfast & Speakers
Noon Capitol visits
Click here to register online or download a flier. You MUST pre-register in order to attend.
For life,