There's still time! Be sure to register for Monday's special evening with the National 40 Days for Life leadership team!
EVENT: 40 Days for Life "BEACON OF HOPE" webcast and teleconference
DATE: Monday, April 15
TIME: 8 PM Central
FORMAT: Simulcast (attend via phone or webcast; it's your choice)
- You will hear the results of the most successsful spring 40 Days for Life campaign ever!
- You will hear motivating stories from other 40 Days for Life campaigns - lives saved, abortion workers quitting, abortion centers closing!
- You will hear how YOU can make a profound impact - HERE - in Madison!
Can You Not Spend One Hour With ME?
With the lack of media attention to the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist in Philadelphia who murdered countless pre-born children, including 7 full-term babies, and whose methods resulted in a mother's death, it's time we each look in the mirror and reflect on what we personally do each day to end this. We have our own "Gosnell" here at Planned Parenthood on Madison's east side! Whether a baby is an embryo or full term, the result of abortion is the same - a dead child. If I turn my back to this, I am no different than the media who ignores this horrific headline, the politicians who support the abortion agenda, and the justices who washed their hands of guilt in passing Roe vs. Wade. Every hour that Planned Parenthood is open, our youth are poisoned with contraceptives, scheduled for abortions, and brainwashed to think that this is their right, their choice. What am I doing about it?
Our Lord asks each of us, "Could you not spend one hour with ME?"
There are many who have not participated since our last 40 Days for Life in the fall. We are having a definite impact since we increased our vigil hours - Last week there were 3 more turnaways! BUT... scheduling more hours demands scheduling more prayer warriors!
Below is the list of open hours this week - please help, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday when abortions are done throughout the day! God will reward you!
"There is no difficulty in our lives for which God does not know the solution. From all eternity He has foreseen it and has the remedy for each case, no matter how complicated the situation may be." (Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen)
Open Hours This Week:
Tuesday, 4/16/13: 1 needed at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00am, noon, 2:00, and 4:00pm; 2 needed at 1:00 and 3:00pm 10 OPEN HOURS!! Only 38% filled!
Wednesday, 4/17/13: 1 needed at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00am, 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00pm; 2 needed at 11:00am, noon, 1:00, and 5:00pm 14 OPEN HOURS!! Only 30% filled!
Thursday, 4,18,13: 1 needed at 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00pm
Go to or email at to sign up for one of these hours or a monthly recurrent hour.
Don't Miss This Event!!
Time is running out!
Register today for our 2013 Spring Awards Dinner featuring keynote speaker Walter Hoye II, legislator of the year, Rep. David Craig,
Activist of the Year: Mary Gundrum
Thanks to Mary’s beautiful photography and poignant written testimony, news outlets around the world have been picking up on Dominic’s beautiful story. From the Boston Globe to England’s Daily Mail, word is spreading about this family who is truly living the pro-life way of life. Through difficult circumstances, Mary has unwaveringly cared and advocated for the child God has given her and her husband, and in so doing, she has given faithful witness to the world of the power, truth, and beauty of the Gospel of Life. Pro-Life Wisconsin is honored to present our 2013 Activist of the year award to Mary Gundrum.
To register, visit our website or call 262-796-1111.
Courtesy Announcement:
St. Paul's University Spring Wine Fest - Attend and support this great Diocesan apostolate, which in addition to providing Vigil warriors at the college level, has helped developed the faith of many adults in our Diocese who go on to be leaders in the Pro-Life movement. For more information and to register, go to: http://events.r20.
God bless you!
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