This past week at Planned Parenthood, a young man, who was walking by and unfamiliar with 40 Days for Life, inquired about our prayer vigil. After some questions and discussion, he decided to pray on his own on the sidewalk. A line had formed waiting for the doors to open at 9:00am. This young guy dropped to his knees, causing the waiting line of women to take notice. He was bowed in prayer and didn't see the attention he was getting but it was clear that his expression of prayer affected them. He made a difference by being there!
"We need to bring the Gospel of life to the heart of every man and woman and to make it penetrate every part of our society." - Blessed John Paul II
Have you signed up for hours yet? Babies and their mothers need YOU!
Tuesday, 10/09/12: 100% filled - Praise God!
Wednesday, 10/10/12: 98% filled - 1 person needed at 2:00am - Men, please help!
Thursday, 10/11/12: 79% filled - 10 hours open!
Friday, 10/12/12: 88% filled - 6 hours open!
Saturday, 10/13/12: 69% filled - 15 hours open!
Sunday, 10/14/12: 52% filled - 23 hours open!
40 Days for Life cannot continue as a 24/7 vigil without your immediate response! Sign-up RIGHT AWAY by visiting
Urgent - Prayers Needed!
Please pray for a woman in the Madison area who is considering abortion....that she may see that God has a plan for this little one and that this child may live to fulfill that plan. Dear Lord, give her a mother's love that she may give birth!
Fantastic News from The Karlen Family!
It is with great joy that I pass on the announcement of the birth of John Paul Charles Karlen! John Paul arrived on Oct. 3 (all 8 lbs. of him!) and baby and mother are doing well. Steve and Laura have asked me to express their gratitude to you, the Vigil for Life community, for all of your prayers.
Reminder to Sign the Statement of Peace:
Based on advice from the National 40 days for Life Campaign, all participants are required to sign a hard copy of the new Statement of Peace, even if you have signed one previously. This is because the content has changed slightly and because, starting this Fall, we will be collecting and filing these signed hard copies. (The new Statement of Peace will remain “on file” for you for all future Vigil for Life activities in a permanent Madison Vigil for Life file, until you decide to revoke it.) There will be blank sign-able copies of the Statement of Peace in the Vigil Bag. For those with computer access, a PDF copy can be downloaded from This can be printed, signed, and either placed in the vigil bag folder or sent to the address listed on the bottom. (Please Note: You cannot sign this form electronically or submit a scanned signed copy)
- Rosary Rally: This Thursday 7:00pm State St. steps of the Capitol through Nov. 1, 2012. Come pray for Life, Family, and the Salvation of the World!
- Rachel's Vineyard: Rachel's
Vineyard - Healing the pain of abortion, one weekend at a time.
Rachel's Vineyard welcomes women, men, couples and grandparents who
have suffered the loss of a child/children. If you or someone you
love is hurting after abortion, contact Mary at 608-221-9593 or
. The next retreat will be held October 19 - 21, 2012 at a beautiful and private location. Go to for more information. For retreats held in WI, the USA or around the world, go to or 1-877-HOPE-4-ME. All contact is confidential.
- Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at Holy Redeemer:
Our Lord implores us to keep watch for one hour. Please don't
give up your Holy Hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as you
begin 40 Days for Life. Offer to Him your sufferings. Thank Him
for your blessings - Speak to Him! For more information go to
Let us pray,
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