Mission Statement

To pray, fast and peacefully witness for an end to intentional destruction of all innocent human lives, especially those most in need.

Monday, November 26, 2012

What a Day at Planned Parenthood!

Dear Prayer Warriors,
I know I just sent you an email yesterday but today's events need to be shared.  This morning there were 3 turnarounds at Planned Parenthood! Praise God!

  1. After hearing from the sidewalk counselor that they could get a free pregnancy test across the street at the Women's Care Center, a couple got back in their car and drove across the street without even going into Planned Parenthood.  It's very possible that they are now new clients at the Women's Care Center!
  2. Another couple pulled into the parking lot and opted to go to the Women's Care Center after hearing about their free testing and counseling services as well as the abortion agenda of Planned Parenthood.
  3. A third vehicle stopped at the sidewalk to get literature and never pulled into the parking lot.  Again it was the free testing, counseling, and help available across the street that caused them to back up and head over to the Women's Care Center.
To top off the morning, a car pulled up with 2 young women who offered to buy coffee to warm up those on the sidewalkThis beautiful gesture  shows that we are reaching people beyond the sidewalk.  They knew why we were there and wanted to help in some way.  What a blessed 2 hours that was today!  Prayers were offered and graces were given to make this happen; witnessing on the sidewalk pays off! 
Please keep these 3 situations in your prayers and sign up for hours - you never know when you could have a day as wonderful and blessed as this one!
Rosary found!
A man who lives near Planned Parenthood found a Rosary on the grass just down the street from the parking lot.  He had been saving it to give to prayer warriors to return to the owner.  It has pea-sized brown beads with a wooden crucifix.  Please contact info@vigilforlife.org.
For Life,

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